Is it possible to determine the source of a close request in a Windows application (Delphi)?
Background: I have an option to route close requests to minimizing the window to keep the app running "in Background".
procedure TfrmMain.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
... different checking stuff e.g. unsaved changes
// Redirect Close to minimize but allow close if requested from minimized state
if FMinimize and (WindowState <> wsMinimized) then
logger.debug('... closing main form redirected to minimize');
WindowState := wsMinimized;
CanClose := false;
This works well and allows closing the window by right clicking in the taskbar if already minimized. As icing of the cake I would like to determine if the close request came from right clicking the taskbar icon to close immediately even if the window is not already minimized. Is there a way to determine the source of the close request?