I have a cloud service project (.ccproj), and added a web role project(.csproj) reference to the .ccproj.
When I build the project using the below task in azure devops
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Build the Solution
solution: 'TestProject/TestProject.ccproj'
vsVersion: latest
msbuildArgs: /t:CorePublish /p:TargetProfile=$(TargetProfile)
platform: "AnyCPU"
configuration: "Release"
maximumCpuCount: true
restoreNugetPackages: false
msbuildArchitecture: x86
It is generating a .cspkg file (web role project) in binaries folder.
I want to do some manipulation to the in the cspkg file (Like adding a file inside the .cspkg) before it is getting generated. From which directory files the cspkg is getting generated? Also can we write any build target before it is creating .cspkg?