
I was following Tutorial: Schedule AWS Lambda Functions Using CloudWatch Events - Amazon CloudWatch Events on how to Schedule AWS Lambda Functions Using CloudWatch Events.

It all makes sense and work as expected, but in my logs I cannot find the results of the lambda calls, but only custom logs that were written in the code and I can see the incoming payloads.

Are results supposed to show or do I specifically need to Log them in my code?

Does the lambda role have permission to post logs to CloudWatch?jellycsc
yes. logs are being posted to CloudWatch.kob490
I don't believe lambda itself logs the response. You can log them in your code and it will show up on CWLogsEDToaster

1 Answers


If lambda has got these IAM permissions it will show the custom loggers as well as default AWS invocation/error logs

"logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents"