
What is a ContactList in ActiveCampaign API v3 which is returned on a GET request?

GET api/3/contacts?include=contactLists.list,organization

enter image description here

I could not find any information on the contact list neither in the API nor the web application (https://User-Account.activehosted.com) itself. However, the lists are documented and are accessible via the web application.

Thank you for any help


1 Answers


ContactList is the list into which the contact is added which you can see here https://User-Account.activehosted.com/admin/main.php?action=list. By default, the contacts won't be added to any of the lists unless you have explicitly specified any list when adding the contact or you have to manually add the contact to a list from the contacts page (https://User-Account.activehosted.com/app/contacts).

Hope that answers your question. Please ask if you have any doubts.