I believe I have done it. I will give the code, and then show you where everything is.
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const fs = require("fs");
client.saves = require("./minutesLogs.json");
var embed;
var role;
var member;
var myMessage;
var canBecomeHejjo = false;
function updateEmbed() {
var channel = client.guilds.cache.get("753227876207165570").channels.cache.get("753227876207165573");
var withRole = channel.guild.roles.cache.get("753237265454465154").members.map(m => m.user.tag);
if (withRole[0] !== undefined) {
embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("People who have role")
.setAuthor("A bot")
.addField('List', withRole, true)
.setFooter("The members with this role");
} else {
embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("People who have role")
.setAuthor("A bot")
.addField('List', 'No one with role', true)
.setFooter("The members with this role");
setInterval(updateEmbed, 4000);
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);
var channel = client.guilds.cache.get("753227876207165570").channels.cache.get("753227876207165573");
var withRole = channel.guild.roles.cache.get("753237265454465154").members.map(m => m.user.tag);
if (withRole[0] !== undefined) {
embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("People who have role")
.setAuthor("A bot")
.addField('List', withRole, true)
.setFooter("The members with this role");
} else {
embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("People who have role")
.setAuthor("A bot")
.addField('List', 'No one with role', true)
.setFooter("The members with this role");
channel.send(embed).then(message => {
myMessage = message;
canBecomeHejjo = true;
setTimeout(() => {
canBecomeHejjo = false;
}, 10000);
client.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldMember, newMember) => {
if (oldMember.channelID === undefined) {
const oldUserChannel = oldMember.channelID;
var memberToChange = client.guilds.cache.get("753227876207165570").members.cache.get(oldMember.id);
if (oldUserChannel === '760146985147433040') {
var fiveMinutesHappened = client.saves[oldMember.id].fiveminutesPassed;
if (fiveMinutesHappened) {
client.on('message', msg => {
if (msg.content === '!become role' && canBecomeHejjo === true) {
member = msg.guild.members.cache.get(msg.member.id);
client.saves[member.id] = {
fiveminutesPassed: false
fs.writeFile("./minutesLogs.json", JSON.stringify(client.saves, null, 4), err => {
if (err) throw err;
channel = msg.channel;
role = msg.guild.roles.cache.get("753237265454465154");
setTimeout(() => {
client.saves[member.id] = {
fiveminutesPassed: true
fs.writeFile("./minutesLogs.json", JSON.stringify(client.saves, null, 4), err => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("time passed");
}, 1000 * 10);
Here's what's happening:
First, we define a function, that defines a channel and the list of people with a role.
Then, we edit the embed from the message defined a bit later.
We also state that we will repeat updateEmbed
every 4 seconds.
client.on('ready', () => {
part is the same as the updateEmbed
function, with a few extra bits at the end.
These extra bits do: 1. Allow people to become HeJjo, and 2. Set it up so that after 10 seconds, people cannot change their role anymore. (ps: The code in here is what will be in the command to allow people to change their role).
The next section fires when someone enters or leaves a voice channel.
It checks if it is someone leaving, and if not, returns. If yes, then we check if it is the voice channel restricted for members of our role. If so, we determine if five minutes have passed. If they have, we remove the HeJjo role.
The next bit of code is when someone messages. It only runs the code inside if the message is '!become role'
and it isn't too late to use this command. What the code inside does is this:
It writes in the Json that five minutes have not passed, and saves it. It then gives the member the role, and then waits five minutes before writing to the file that five minutes have passed.
Hope this helps!! 😉😉