I have been using django-import-export library to upload my data as excel to the Django model and it has been working fine till i had to Upload an excel with 20,000 rows and it just took infinite time to get this action done.
Can you please suggest the right way to optimize data Uploading to the Django model, where i can easily upload excel files and have that data saved in my Database.
Please support.
Hi below is the code for admin.py that i tried, but its throwing error 'using_transactions' is not defined, please confirm where am i going wrong and what do i change to get bulk data imported in less time--
from django.contrib import admin
from import_export import resources
from .models import Station,Customer
from import_export.admin import ImportExportModelAdmin
# Register your models here.
class StationResource(resources.ModelResource):
def get_or_init_instance(self,instance_loader,row):
self.bulk_create(self, using_transactions, dry_run, raise_errors,
class Meta:
batch_size = 1000
force_init_instance = True
class StationAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):
admin.site.register(Station , StationAdmin)
and in the settings.py file i have set-