
in Nuxt I have the title error using auth v5. This is my current strategy:

enter image description here

The docs (https://dev.auth.nuxtjs.org/schemes/oauth2#codechallengemethod) says that you can use "plain" or "S256" as an option, I tried both but the error persists.

The only I cant manually get it work is by copy-pasting the oAuth in the url:


Compare that link to the following:


The only difference between the first and second link is that the first one actually works (I can login) and it doesn't have a challenge_method.

The second link doesn't work (it displays the google image above) but if you read the end of the link it has both the code_challenge_method & code_challenge


1 Answers


After many hours of trial and error, the only way to make it work is by setting code_challenge_method to an empty string, like this:

enter image description here

The demo used in the nuxt auth module, does the same thing, they don't use any code_challenge_method with the google strategy

EDIT 10/06/2021

After doing further investigation, it seems that if I only use an empty code_challenge_method (just like the image above), google auth just doesn't seem to work anymore, my bet is that a broken commit was merged here, so in order to fix it I added a new property to my google strategy:

responseType: 'token id_token'

I also created a report for that bug here