I am trying to generate my own stimuli for an experiment using R. Below is the code that creates my (x,y) coordinates using the rnorm() with different a sample size of 100, different means and sd. I also create another variable to represent the size of the circles, which are determined by the runif().
dt <- data.frame(x = NA,
y = NA,
size = NA,
M = NA,
sd = NA,
col = NA,
iter = NA)
mySD<-c(5, 15)
myMeans<-c(35, 45)
colors<-c("Blues", "Reds")
for(i in 1:10){
for(s in mySD){
for(m in myMeans){
x = abs(rnorm(n=1, mean=m, sd=s))
y = abs(rnorm(n=1, mean=m, sd=s))
size = runif(1, 1, 25) #select a random x speed between [25,35]
dt[sa,] <- NA
Next, I want to use ggplot(dt, aes(x, y, size=size) to plot. I want to randomly select 4 (x,y) values to plot for one graph, then 8 for another, then 16 for another, etc. Basically, I want to plot different graphs with a different number of data points. For example, some graphs that you would see would have 4 data points that vary by size and color, others would have 32 data points that vary in size and color. I m not sure how to select a set of unique data points from the data frame that I created. Any help would be great. I'm pretty new to R.
n = 100
inx = abs(rnorm(n=100, mean=m, sd=s))
if you are assigning only one value at a time indt$x[sa]<-x
? – Rui Barradas