
I'm using Laravel Livewire v2 and I need to bind a form date input to a model Carbon attribute in the backend Livewire component, but it seems to be impossible due date formatting.

To be more precise:

  • when selecting a date the form date input picker livewire make a api call sending the correct date (e.g.: 2020-02-02)
  • the Livewire component correctly receive and pass the string value to the model
  • the model cast the string to a Carbon object and assign it to its fillable attribute
  • the Livewire component try to send back to the client the data but it doesn't perform a ->format('Y-m-d') format on the Carbon object, so a serialized date object is sent
  • when object is unserialized fronted receive e.g. 2012-12-25T20:30:00.000000+04:00 MSK
  • the date input break

I also found that in Livewire v1 it was possible to cast properties (link) using key-value array or custom casting methods, but this has been removed in v2 (link); there is an example with hydrate/dehydrate methods to achieve the same effect but the example cover the case of a component property, not a nested one as in my case.

Is there a way to cast a model date prop or to add a format when sending data back to client?


1 Answers


Update (2020-10-15)

Since Livewire v2.3, Model Casting now works when binding to model attributes directly (aka wire:model).

All you need to do is go to your model and provide your date casting, lets take a Post model as an example:

class Post extends Model
    protected $casts = [
        'published_at' => 'date:Y-m-d'

This will let Livewire know that your published_at field should be serialized in the format Y-m-d to work with it client-side, and to convert it back into a Carbon (DateTime) instance whenever its updated.

Now, you can safely attach it to your <input> field:

<input type="date" wire:model="published_at" />

Old Answer

Currently, there’s a pending PR that aims to resolve this for Livewire v2. It would help a lot if you go and support it :)
