Per this earlier post, I was able to verify a domain of ours (which is in Route 53) to use as a custom domain with GCPs Cloud Run. However, we are struggling to update the DNS records for this domain now.
Our domain
was previously used with an AWS EC2 instance. Our hosted zone in Route 53 for this domain currently has 8 records, of various record types (A, MX, NS, SOA, TXT, CNAME). Before uploading the 8 DNS records for cloud run (GCP gave us 4 A
DNS records with ip addresses, and 4 AAAA
DNS records with ip addresses, to upload), should I first delete all of the previous records in the hosted zone for this domain? I presume these earlier records are associated with our previous use of the domain with the ec2 instance.
Is it safe to delete all of the previous records from the hosted zone? Or maybe it is better to create a new hosted zone to use with GCP cloud run, and keep this initial hosted zone to remain with the EC2 instance? I am not sure if it is possible to have 2 hosted zones for 1 domain, or not. If only 1 zone is possible, I am not sure if i should delete + re-create a new hosted zone to use with Cloud Run, or try to edit my initial hosted zone (by deleting the old DNS records). I just need to move this custom domain from the EC2 instance to the cloud run app.
EDIT BEFORE BOUNTY: here are the DNS records that Cloud Run is telling me to add to my domain host (true values and domain name changed):
... and here is my Hosted Zone for the domain:
...the top 2 records are the new A and AAAA records that Cloud Run has given me (there was previously 2 A records that I deleted). When trying to create the A records, I actually received an error when I tried to create 4 separate A records, so I've put all 4 IP addresses into a single A record (not sure if this is correct).
Unfortunately, in the GCP /run/domains page, I am still receiving this error / warning message:
I do not plan to use the old AWS EC2 instance with this domain again, so perhaps I should delete all of the old DNS records that are associated with it? However I am not sure which records are safe to remove and which are not... Perhaps creating a new hosted zone is best (as suggested in an answer below)? Currently I am going the route of simply editing my old hosted zone (as was suggested in the comment below).
We have been struggling with this for most of the weekend and could really use some advice on getting this domain off of the EC2 instance and onto the cloud run deployment.
Edit2: I did just update the hosted zone with the cloud run DNS records a few minutes ago, so perhaps I just need to give it time? Again, I am not sure at all...