
I have the following tree hierarchy in active directory for LDAP server

  • domain (example.net)
    • dir1
    • dir2
    • Users
      • user1
      • group1
      • user2
      • group2
    • dir3 ...

During anonymous_logon, when i use full baseDN to Users directory as (CN=Users, DC=example, DC=net) i receive an error SearchResult(resultCode=32 (no such object), messageID=5, diagnosticMessage=’0000208D: NameErr: DSID-031529DD, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT) and as a result cant login under the user1 credentials to my application. But when i use cropped baseDN such as (DC=example, DC=net) i can login under the mentioned user. What can be wrong with settings on LDAP server or somewhere else? Moreover, if i use (CN=group1, CN=Users, DC=example, DC=net) as baseDN connection is also passed. So i assume problem is in the Users directory settings.

Also for anonymous_logon group i switched on the rights to be applied to this object and all descendants objects.


1 Answers


Problem was on the code side, i reverted last commit and started to work. I'm closing this question.