I am trying to run the following test on Cypress, but I am getting this error: No tests found in your file: /Users/Name/Desktop/MyFolder/cypress-tutorial-build-todo-starter/cypress/integration/app-init.spec.js We could not detect any tests in the above file. Write some tests and re-run.
I thought I did have a test written as you can see below, especially since I have the it function. Can someone tell me why I may be getting this error? This is the second file I have with a test in my integration folder. Not sure if that makes a difference.
const todos = [
"id": 1,
"name": "Buy Milk",
"isComplete": false
"id": 2,
"name": "Buy Eggs",
"isComplete": false
"id": 3,
"name": "Buy Bread",
"isComplete": false
"id": 4,
"name": "Make French Toast",
"isComplete": false
describe('App Initialization', () => {
it.only('Loads todos on page load', () => {
cy.route('GET', '/api/todos', todos)
cy.get('.todo-list li')
.should('have.length', 4)