Well, before running any code (hold down shift key during startup to prevent any code from running).
Now, ctrl-g (jump to VBA IDE). Now from tools. Choose
debug->Clear all Breakpoints
Like this:

Now, open up any code module - hit enter key to "dirty" the code. Now choose debug->Compile (first menu option). It will say Compile "my app name".
Make sure the code compiles. If it does not, then stray break points can still exist.
Next up, you need to check/change the default behavior for a error.
While STILL in VBA editor/IDE
From menu bar choose tools->options. The default is "Break on Unhandled errors"
If you have break on ALL Errors? Well then code that even assumed to trap or even on-error resume next code it BLOW UP and stop. Often developers will say try for existence in a collection, and we error tap to "mean" the element is not in that list. However, the THIS assumes that the default Error trapping setting was not change.
So, double, and then triple check this setting. You can develop for years, and even have some code ASSUME to error out. But that years of development code assumed the default (break on unhandled Errors. If you have break on all errors, then your are toast, and you find all kinds of breaking of code. (the idea of that option is to LET you debug code with error handling without having to disable errors. And with say on-error resume next, you in effect can't debug parts of code anymore.
Now, if above steps don't fix your issues?
Then the next step is to de-compile your application. This will remove the compiled (binary) part of the application. Once you do this, then you do a full re-compile.
To de-compile, you can't do this from the IDE, and you have to use a FULL qualified path to your existing version of access. Say like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\MSACCESS.EXE"
"c:\MyCoolApp\Invoice.accDB" /decompile
Now, when you run above, you REALLY must not let any startup forms or code run. (hold down shift key. Now exit access/application. Now re-launch (and again no code to run on startup).
Now, at this point I high recommend a Compact+ Repair (and AGAIN no startup or code to run). So even on the C+R, you have to hold down shift key.
If you during the decomp, start application, then C+R allow ANY code to run, then you have to start over again at the first decompile step.
Ok, now you done the C+R. Now ctrl-g, and now debug-compile.