
I have a keycloak server and a spring boot app running on Kubernetes cluster and I'm facing 2 scenarios the first one is working and the other one I'm getting 401 Unauthorized.

First scenario:

  • Enter a test container with kubectl exec command inside my k8s cluster and ask for a token with a curl POST request : http://keycloak-service-name:8080/auth/realms/lisa/protocol/openid-connect/token
  • I get a token
  • I send a request from postman using that token to the secured endpoint of my app and It's working, access is granted

Second scenario:

  • Ask for a token by sending a POST request to: http://keycloak-external-ip:port/auth/realms/lisa/protocol/openid-connect/token with the necessary parameters from postman
  • I receive an access token
  • I send a request from postman to the secured endpoint using that token of my app I get 401 unauthorized

The Keycloak is exposed using NodePort service.

The app is exposed using istio ingress gateway.

Keycloak server version:9.0.0.

keycloak version in spring boot app: 10.0.2

Same here, a question was posted at Keycloak forum.belgoros
Hi, can you add the following to your question?: 1. Details on the incoming request to the istio ingress gateway. 2. Details on the application behind the istio ingress gateway. 3. The logs of your istio ingress gateway.Piotr Malec
this is a curl of the request I send through the istio gateway to test my app:curl --location --request GET 'gateway-external-ip/history/admin/v1/health' \ --header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=2C40C674EA1A3D13BEC98313BB3D23C6; JSESSIONID=B1CF761DA1349D2AF40F7DB11FBB2503' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer token'Kamèl Romdhani
The issue is most likely related to JWT ISS checking failing for external call. It looks to me that it is configured based on local service/hostname. You can verify that by checking logs. Take a look at this github post to see how to view logs.Piotr Malec

1 Answers


Fixed this by changing the keycloak.auth-server-url value in the application.properties file. The keycloak deployment has 2 services, one of type clusterIP, the second is of type nodePort before keycloak.auth-server-url=http://keycloak-clusterIP-service-name:8080/auth after keycloak.auth-server-url=http://node-ip-adress:nodePort/auth