
If we set the steps_per_epoch (in ImageDataGenerator) higher than the total possible batches(total_samples/batch_Size). Will the model revisit the same data points from starting or will it ignore?


  • Flattened image shape which will go to Dense layer: (2000*1)
  • batch size: 20
  • Total no of batches possible: 100 (2000/20)
  • steps per epoch: 1000 (set explicitly)

1 Answers


As far as I know, steps_per_epoch is independent of the 'real' epoch (which is number_of_inputs/batch_size). Let's use an example similar to what you want to know, with 2000 data points and batch_size of 20 (which means 2000/20 = 100 steps for one 'real' epoch):

  • If you set steps_per_epoch = 1000: Keras asks for a loop of 1000 batches, which basically means 10 'real' epochs (or 10 times of whole data traversal).
  • If you set steps_per_epoch = 50: Keras asks for a loop of 50 batches, and the remaining 50 batches of one 'real' epoch is visited in the next loop.