
I am using an Azure SQL Database for our team's reporting and the data size right now is too big to handle by a single data (at least I think so, it has 2 fact tables with around 100m rows in each table).

The Azure SQL Database is named "operation-db" and the Synapse is named "operation-synapse".

I want to make the transition for my team become as smooth as possible. So I'm planning to copy all the tables, views, stored procedure and user-defined function over to Synapse.

Once I'm done with that, is there a way to rename "operation-synapse" to "operation-db" so the team doesn't have to go to their code base to change the name of the db?


Any other way, I have a question, what's your Azure SQL database price tier? Can scale up to higher price tier meet you request?Leon Yue
it's running on a 80 vCores alreadyknguyen

2 Answers


It is not possible to rename a SQL Pool via SQL Server Management Studio and you will receive the following error:

ALTER DATABASE NAME statement is not supported in a Synapse workspace. To update the name of a SQL pool, use the Azure Synapse Portal or the Synapse REST API. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 49978)

The REST API however does list a move method to change names:

POST https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/{workspaceName}/sqlPools/{sqlPoolName}/move?api-version=2019-06-01-preview

I couldn't get it to work though. YMMV. Not renaming your db shouldn't be a big deal though. Your team should feel comfortable with changing connection strings etc and it will help them understand they are moving to a different product (Synapse) with different characteristics.

Before you move to Synapse however, have you look at Clustered Columnstore indexes in Azure SQL DB? They are default type of index in a SQL Pool database but are also available in SQL DB. They can compress your data 5-10x so it might end up not that big at all. Columnstore is great for aggregate queries but less so for point lookups so have a think about your workload before you migrate.


You can rename a Synapse database easily using the SSMS GUI. (I've just tried this on v18.8).

Just click once on the database name in the Object Explorer to select it, then press the F2 key to rename it.

The Synapse service must be running (i.e. not paused) for the rename to work.