I have:
- The corresponding Web-App running on localhost.
- An open channel for MS Teams active within the Bot Framework, which displays 'running' all the time (no issues).
- downloaded a VS19 project from git with a few pre-set bot-commands.
However, when I host the app via ngrok and try to contact the bot via teams the dropdown menu with the commands is diplayed, but the the bot replies to none of them. When using the Bot Emulator, it also does not react to any messages (see below).
You said:
Restart conversation from here
You said:
Restart conversation from here
Connectivity Status: Connected
Suggested Actions Container: Is empty
[10:03:51]Connecting to bot on https://localhost:3979/api/messages
[10:03:51]Emulator listening on http://[::]:58187
[10:03:52]-> conversationUpdate
[10:03:52]ngrok listening on https://67fe6eb30077.ngrok.io
[10:03:52]ngrok traffic inspector:
[10:03:52]Will bypass ngrok for local addresses
[10:03:58]-> message hello