

I have followed this step to a tee, login with success, get redirected, and there is no code with the redirect url as the tutorial promises. The following link is my version with the credentials. https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=a383dd3b-8306-4902-93d3-f5a33fe4a445&scope=Files.Read&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient

I get taken to this page and sign into an account under the same namespace. Login view

After signing into a proper login, all I get in return is redirected to my redirect URI with no code attached to the end like the tutorial says I should. All I need is access to 3 files on my onedrive, but I can't seem to make it past OAuth2. Here is what I get redirected to. https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient

P.S. I removed the app as it is just a test app. I started a new test app and am still getting the same result.Lane Henslee

2 Answers


From first look it seems that the redirect_uri is wrong. This should be the endpoint where you receive the authorization code and then exchange it for the rest of the OAuth process.

I work with Pathfix and we solve the problem of OAuth token management using a serverless infrastructure.

To summarize, here is what your url should look like

redirect_uri=https://your endpoint

An additional note on the scope. Note above that the scope definition for token should be as I have specified above


It all works the same. I just made sure my app was open to all tenants and replaced the .com with .us in all links but the redirect uri. Hopefully, this helps someone else. For example, my data is on a sharepoint, but the microsoft graph api works the same for all accounts with a difference in .us, .com, and few others.