
Changing viewport's coordinate system height changes user's coordinate system starting origin point on X axis and I can't understand why. What is a relationship here? Shouldn't it impact Y axis of user coordinate system because we are changing the height (Y axis) of viewport?

Viewport coordinate system: 1250x1250. User coordinate system: 500x500. When the aspect ratio is such, no mater what width and height I give to viewBox property (viewBox = <min-x> <min-y> <width> <height>) min-x of viewbox always starts from 0 which is left side corner of the screen. But if I change viewport coordinate system to 1250x329, for example, then min-x at 0 value will start somewhere from the middle of the screen and not from the left side as it should. Why is that?

Here is a live codepen https://codepen.io/Limpuls/pen/LYNXQPK with CSS for SVG element's height set to 100% giving perfect centering and origin starting point from left corner because then viewport is 1250x1250. Change it to 100vh instead (commented out code in CSS) then the viewport becomes 1250x329 and throws off the starting point of viewBox breaking my Javascript logic for centering SVG paths.

What is causing this behaviour and how can I modify my calculations in JS to adopt to any viewport height, not just when it's a perfect number like 1250x1250 or 700x700?


<div class="container-fluid">
        <section class="row first">
            <div class="col-lg-12">
                <div class="svg">
                    <svg viewBox="0 0 500 500" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
                        <path d="M26 2V30H19.52V18.52H6.80001V30H0.320007V2H6.80001V13.04H19.52V2H26Z" fill="black"/>
                        <path d="M53.2647 19.32C53.2647 19.4 53.2247 19.96 53.1447 21H36.8647C37.158 22.3333 37.8514 23.3867 38.9447 24.16C40.038 24.9333 41.398 25.32 43.0247 25.32C44.1447 25.32 45.1314 25.16 45.9847 24.84C46.8647 24.4933 47.678 23.96 48.4247 23.24L51.7447 26.84C49.718 29.16 46.758 30.32 42.8647 30.32C40.438 30.32 38.2914 29.8533 36.4247 28.92C34.558 27.96 33.118 26.64 32.1047 24.96C31.0914 23.28 30.5847 21.3733 30.5847 19.24C30.5847 17.1333 31.078 15.24 32.0647 13.56C33.078 11.8533 34.4514 10.5333 36.1847 9.6C37.9447 8.64 39.9047 8.16 42.0647 8.16C44.1714 8.16 46.078 8.61333 47.7847 9.52C49.4914 10.4267 50.8247 11.7333 51.7847 13.44C52.7714 15.12 53.2647 17.08 53.2647 19.32ZM42.1047 12.88C40.6914 12.88 39.5047 13.28 38.5447 14.08C37.5847 14.88 36.998 15.9733 36.7847 17.36H47.3847C47.1714 16 46.5847 14.92 45.6247 14.12C44.6647 13.2933 43.4914 12.88 42.1047 12.88Z" fill="black"/>
                        <path d="M57.4191 0.319998H63.6591V30H57.4191V0.319998Z" fill="black"/>
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                        <path d="M205.723 11.32C206.469 10.28 207.469 9.49333 208.723 8.96C210.003 8.42667 211.469 8.16 213.123 8.16V13.92C212.429 13.8667 211.963 13.84 211.723 13.84C209.936 13.84 208.536 14.3467 207.523 15.36C206.509 16.3467 206.003 17.84 206.003 19.84V30H199.763V8.48H205.723V11.32Z" fill="black"/>
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section {
    height: 100vh;
    width: 100vw;

svg {
    height: 100%;
    //height: 100vh;
    width: 100%;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

Javascript excerpt for dynamically centering SVG <path> by calculating viewBox <min-x> using formula: ((Viewport width - total SVG <path> width) / 2) / Viewport to viewBox width ratio

let totalSVGwidth = 0;
let totalSVGheight = 0;
let totalSpacingBetweenLetters = 0;
let viewBoxScaleX = 500;
let winViewportSVGwidthDiff = 0;
let svgViewportWidth = document.querySelector(".svg").offsetWidth;
let totalSVGwidthWithSpaces = 0;
let viewportCoordSpaceUserCoordSpaceRatio = document.querySelector(".svg").offsetWidth / viewBoxScaleX;

document.querySelectorAll("path").forEach((path, index) => {
    totalSVGwidth = totalSVGwidth + path.getBoundingClientRect().width;
        if ((index + 1) < document.querySelectorAll("path").length) {
            totalSpacingBetweenLetters += (document.querySelectorAll("path")[index + 1].getBoundingClientRect().x - path.getBoundingClientRect().x) - path.getBoundingClientRect().width;

    totalSVGwidthWithSpaces += totalSpacingBetweenLetters + totalSVGwidth;
    // formula
    document.querySelectorAll("svg")[0].setAttribute("viewBox", (0 - ((svgViewportWidth - (totalSpacingBetweenLetters + totalSVGwidth)) / 2) / viewportCoordSpaceUserCoordSpaceRatio) + " " + 0 + " " + viewBoxScaleX + " " + viewBoxScaleX);

1 Answers


You need to read up on how viewBox works.

But in summary, if the viewport (ie the <svg> width and height) has a different aspect ratio to the viewBox width and height, then by default, the area represented by the viewBox will be centred in the viewport.

The snippet below attempt to represent that behaviour.

<svg width="1250" height="329" viewBox="0 0 500 500">
   <rect x="-700" width="1898" height="500" fill="none" stroke="green" stroke-width="2"/>
   <text x="-600" y="100" fill="green" font-size="20">1250 x 329 viewport</text>
   <rect width="500" height="500" fill="red" fill-opacity="0.05" stroke="red" stroke-width="2"/>
   <text x="10" y="20" fill="red" font-size="20">(0,0)</text>
   <text x="250" y="250" fill="red" font-size="20" text-anchor="middle">500 x 500 viewBox area</text>

(0,0) remains at the top left of the viewBox area. Not the viewport.

You can control what happens, when the aspect ratios don't match, by way of the preserveAspectRatio attribute. If you want the viewBox area to always be stuck to the top left of the viewport, then use preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet".

<svg width="1250" height="329" viewBox="0 0 500 500" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet">
   <rect x="0" width="1898" height="500" fill="none" stroke="green" stroke-width="2"/>
   <text x="-600" y="100" fill="green" font-size="20">1250 x 329 viewport</text>
   <rect width="500" height="500" fill="red" fill-opacity="0.05" stroke="red" stroke-width="2"/>
   <text x="10" y="20" fill="red" font-size="20">(0,0)</text>
   <text x="250" y="250" fill="red" font-size="20" text-anchor="middle">500 x 500 viewBox area</text>