
There is no change in permission or account used for gcloud app deploy for my NodeJS application, it last worked properly on 19th July. I tried it after couple months of gap and now gcloud app deploy throws error:

ERROR: failed to initialize cache: failed to create image cache: accessing cache image "asia.gcr.io//app-engine-tmp/build-cache/ttl-7d/users/buildpack-cache:latest": connect to repo store 'asia.gcr.io//app-engine-tmp/build-cache/ttl-7d/users/buildpack-cache:latest': GET https://asia.gcr.io/v2//app-engine-tmp/build-cache/ttl-7d/users/buildpack-cache/manifests/latest: DENIED: Permission denied for "latest" from request "/v2//app-engine-tmp/build-cache/ttl-7d/users/buildpack-cache/manifests/latest".

Have you tried to update your Cloud SDK with the command gcloud components update before trying to deploy it? Besides that, could you please give it a try following the workaround of this similar case here? As this is a cache issue, it might related to your local machine or account interfering in the deploy, so, having another person trying to do it might help.gso_gabriel
yes gcloud components update done and tried. Thankssunil gupta

2 Answers


it was related to billing, the payment could not be processed and GCP started showing the cryptic message. However it took few hours after successful clearance of previous payment for google to start allowing build.


In my case, when disabling and enabling the Container Registry service again (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library/containerregistry.googleapis.com) GCP showed me an error indicating that I should check my account billing. After reviewing it, I was able to upload it as usual.
