
I have a tensor of shape [h, w], which consists of a normalized, 2-dimensional activation map. Considering this to be some distribution, I want to find the mean and the covariance within this activation map in pytorch. Is there an efficient way to do that?

Do you want to compute the mean and covariance along a particular dimension, or for the tensor as a whole?Ben
@ Ben for that tensor as a whole, so the covariance should be a 2x2 matrix as far as I understand.spadel

2 Answers


You can use the following code, where activation_map is a tensor of shape (h,w), with non-negative elements, and is normalised (activation_map.sum() is 1):

activation_map = torch.tensor(
    [[0.2, 0.1, 0.0],
     [0.1, 0.2, 0.4]])
h, w = activation_map.shape

range_h = torch.arange(h)
range_w = torch.arange(w)
idxs = torch.stack([
  range_w[None].repeat(h, 1),
  range_h[:, None].repeat(1, w)
map_flat = activation_map.view(-1)
idxs_flat = idxs.reshape(2, -1).T
mean = (map_flat[:, None] * idxs_flat).sum(0)
mats = idxs_flat[:, :, None] @ idxs_flat[:, None, :]
second_moments = (map_flat[:, None, None] * mats).sum(0)
covariance = second_moments - mean[:, None] @ mean[None]

# mean:
# tensor([1.1000, 0.7000])
# covariance:
# tensor([[0.6900, 0.2300],
#         [0.2300, 0.2100]])

One way for the covariance matrix:

h,w = 3,5

def cov(X):
    X = X/np.sqrt(X.size(0) - 1)
    return X.T @ X

x = torch.randn(h,w)

c = cov(x)


tensor([[-1.5029e-01, -2.0626e-01, -7.7845e-01, -1.6811e+00,  5.0312e-01],
        [ 4.4658e-01, -1.8570e+00, -6.2250e-01, -1.0989e+00,  1.6159e+00],
        [ 6.8612e-01, -4.2650e-02, -9.5685e-01, -1.7947e-03,  2.1187e-01]])
tensor([[ 0.3464, -0.4138, -0.4088, -0.1197,  0.3957],
        [-0.4138,  1.7464,  0.6787,  1.1938, -1.5568],
        [-0.4088,  0.6787,  0.9545,  0.9972, -0.8001],
        [-0.1197,  1.1938,  0.9972,  2.0169, -1.3110],
        [ 0.3957, -1.5568, -0.8001, -1.3110,  1.4546]])

The mean() should be trivial just refer the documentation.