I'm trying to enhance my monitoring and want to expand the amount of metrics pulled into Prometheus from our Kube estate. We already have a stand alone Prom implementation which has a hard coded config file monitoring some bare metal servers, and hooks into cadvisor for generic Pod metrics.
What i would like to do is configure Kube to monitor the apache_exporter metrics from a webserver deployed in the cluster, but also dynamically add a 2nd, 3rd etc webserver as the instances are scaled up.
I've looked at the kube-prometheus project, but this seems to be more geared to instances where there is no established Prometheus deployed. Is there a simple way to get prometheus to scrape the Kube API or etcd to pull in the current list of pods which match a certain criteria (ie, a tag like deploymentType=webserver
) and scrape the apache_exporter metrics for these pods, and scrape the mysqld_exporter metrics where deploymentType=mysql
1 Answers
There's a project called kube-prometheus-stack
(formerly prometheus-operator
): https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack
It has concepts called ServiceMonitor
and PodMonitor
- https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/design.md#servicemonitor
- https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/design.md#podmonitor
Basically, this is a selector that points your Prometheus instance to scrape targets. In the case of service selector, it discovers all the pods behind the service. In the case of a pod selector, it discovers pods directly. Prometheus scrape config is updated and reloaded automatically in both cases.
Example PodMonitor
apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: PodMonitor
name: example
namespace: monitoring
- interval: 30s
path: /metrics
port: http
- app
app.kubernetes.io/name: my-app
Note that this PodMonitor
object itself must be discovered by the controller. To achieve this you write a PodMonitorSelector
(link). This additional explicit linkage is done intentionally - in this way, if you have 2 Prometheus instances on your cluster (say Infra
and Product
) you can separate which Prometheus will get which Pods to its scraping config.
The same applies to a ServiceMonitor