
I see in the documentation that icon-opacity supports feature-state, https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/layers/#paint-symbol-icon-opacity

Therefore I use this code for making a change of opacity when user hovers over a icon:

    type: 'symbol',
    layout: {
        'icon-image': 'point',
     paint: {
             ['case', ['boolean', ['feature-state','hover'], false], 1, 0.3]

The problem is that it takes the original opacity right(0.3) but does not change on hover.

Any idea?


When i edited your code it occurred to be a } was missing. Maybe Javascript put down some weird behavior because of this. Check that firstDeitsch
It is copied, thats not the problem, the code runs without errors, just happened the description above. Thanks.Mapin

1 Answers


The code you´re posting is right, but it's only half of the solution.

You already implemented the definition of the layer paint behavior for any feature (by default 0.3 as you say), the second part is to change the feature-state hover to true on mouseover.

The state of the features on 'hover' in your symbol layer don´t change automatically, you need to change it to true in a map.on('mousemove', 'youLayerId'... method, and again to false in a map.on('mouseout', 'youLayerId'... .

Check out this fiddle I have created for you on how to change opacity of an icon. enter image description here

The relevant code is below

        mapboxgl.accessToken = 'PUT HERE YOUR TOKEN';
        var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
          container: 'map',
          style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11'
        let fHover = null;
        map.on('load', function() {
            function(error, image) {
              if (error) throw error;
              map.addImage('cat', image);
              map.addSource('point', {
                'type': 'geojson',
                'generateId': true,
                'data': {
                  'type': 'FeatureCollection',
                  'features': [{
                    'type': 'Feature',
                    'geometry': {
                      'type': 'Point',
                      'coordinates': [0, 0]
                'id': 'points',
                'type': 'symbol',
                'source': 'point',
                'layout': {
                  'icon-image': 'cat',
                  'icon-size': 0.25,
                'paint': {
                  'icon-opacity': [
                    ['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false],

          map.on('mousemove', 'points', function(e) {
            if (e.features[0]) {
            } else {


          map.on('mouseout', 'points', function(e) {

          function mouseover(feature) {
            fHover = feature;
            map.getCanvasContainer().style.cursor = 'pointer';

              source: 'point',
              id: fHover.id
            }, {
              hover: true

          function mouseout() {
            if (!fHover) return;
            map.getCanvasContainer().style.cursor = 'default';
              source: 'point',
              id: fHover.id
            }, {
              hover: false
            fHover = null;


Important, to change a feature state every feature must have an id in the source, so I strongly recommend to set always 'generateId': true in the addSource method.

PS.- If this answer solves your question, please mark it as answer accepted, in that way it will also help other users to know it was the right solution.