Using dplyr, I want to divide a column by another one, where the two columns have a similar pattern. I have the following data frame:
My_data = data.frame(
var_a = 101:110,
var_b = 201:210,
number_a = 1:10,
number_b = 21:30)
I would like to create a new variable: var_a_new = var_a/number_a, var_b_new = var_b/number_b and so on if I have c, d etc.
My_data %>%
.vars = c('var_a', 'var_b'),
.funs = list( new = function(x) x/(.[,paste0('number_a', names(x))]) ))
I did not get an error, but a wrong result. I think that the problem is that I don't understand what the 'x' is. Is it one of the string in .vars? Is it a column in My_data? Something else?