
How to hide roweditor cls.

I am using row ediotr in my extJS grid. When I am clicking to my editor it is showing in higlighted mannner.

Here is the image. I want to remove the grid higligting which happening on click of grid editor.

enter image description here

Here is my code to remove update and cancel button.


Any help how to remove the hilighted cell which is my editor in extJS grid,

Use celledit instead rowedit: selType: 'cellmodel', plugins: { ptype: 'cellediting', clicksToEdit: 1 },V.Tur
@V.Tur I have to use to Rowedior therefore I m using row editor.David
@V.Tur I want to hide floating dialog which appear.David
It is a new component, therefore you might have to come up with a lot of work. But you could override the css. Here is a starting point for your buttons (hide) and the css: .x-grid-row-editor-buttons {display: none;}.x-grid-row-editor {}Dinkheller
@Dinkheller I am writing new plugin all together. well in this case where I need to apply the css.David

1 Answers


Just hide the RowEditingButtons on re-layout event:

listeners: {
    'beforeedit': {
        fn: function (editor) {
            editor.getEditor().on('afterlayout', function (editorComponent) {
        single: true