I have an API I'm implementing where I have an expensive function that needs to be called. I'd like to either memoize this function or use a key value cache to look up previous results. I'd also consider a Mutex
or similar structure, but I would like to avoid something external like Redis or Memcached. From what I've read, a Mutex
has bad performance for caching though. How can I use a key value store like a HashMap
or memoize a function inside an actix_web async route? Right now, I am trying a simple HashMap
but I get this error: can't borrow data in an Arc as mutable
async fn index(
kv: web::Data<HashMap<&str, i64>>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse> {
kv.insert("four", 4);
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let tuples: Vec<(&str, i64)> = vec![("one", 1), ("two", 2), ("three", 3)];
let mut m = tuples.into_iter().collect::<HashMap<&str, i64>>();
let mut kv = web::Data::new(m);
// move is necessary to give closure below ownership of counter1
HttpServer::new(move || {
.route("/", web::get().to(index))