We are running an open source product called Airflow (https://airflow.apache.org/) on GKE. There are processes running in that pod that need to interact with GCP's Dataproc service in order to create Dataproc clusters. We are using Workload Identity to run our GKE applications.
The Kubernetes Service Account (KSA) has been granted roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser
on the Google Service Account (GSA) resource [email protected]
$ gcloud iam service-accounts get-iam-policy \
> [email protected] \
> --format=json \
> --format="table(bindings.role, bindings.members)" \
> --flatten="bindings[].members"
roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser serviceAccount:mygcpproject.svc.id.goog[static11-dsp-dp-airflow/dp-airflow]
And the GSA has been granted a custom role that we've created called dsp_service_account_dataproc_v1
$ gcloud projects get-iam-policy mygcpproject --format=json | grep dsp_service_account_dataproc_v1 -B 8 -A 1
"members": [
"serviceAccount:[email protected]"
"role": "projects/mygcpproject/roles/dsp_service_account_dataproc_v1"
That custom role has got all the permissions required to call the dataproc API:
$ gcloud iam roles describe dsp_service_account_dataproc_v1 --project mygcpproject
etag: BwWuudZzoGI=
- dataproc.agents.create
- dataproc.agents.delete
- dataproc.agents.get
- dataproc.agents.list
- dataproc.agents.update
- dataproc.clusters.create
- dataproc.clusters.delete
- dataproc.clusters.get
- dataproc.clusters.list
- dataproc.clusters.update
- dataproc.clusters.use
- dataproc.jobs.cancel
- dataproc.jobs.create
- dataproc.jobs.delete
- dataproc.jobs.get
- dataproc.jobs.list
- dataproc.jobs.update
- dataproc.operations.delete
- dataproc.operations.get
- dataproc.operations.list
- dataproc.tasks.lease
- dataproc.tasks.listInvalidatedLeases
- dataproc.tasks.reportStatus
Yet when I try and create a dataproc cluster by calling the dataproc API from Airflow it fails with:
<HttpError 400 when requesting https://dataproc.googleapis.com/v1beta2/projects/mygcpproject/regions/europe-west1/clusters?alt=json returned "User not authorized to act as service account '[email protected]'. To act as a service account, user must have one of [Owner, Editor, Service Account Actor] roles. See https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/understanding-service-accounts for additional details.">
I assume I'm missing something somewhere, probably some additional role that needs to be granted but I don't know where. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.