
I have a question when reading OSTEP. The question is how does the trap know which code to run inside the OS? I understand that is a terrible idea, cause it means user can do anything in the kernel. But I'm not clear the example given in the book "Imagine jumping into code to access a file, but just after permission check" Can anyone explain this? And also what will happen if a program can directly issue system call without using trap table? Thanks!


1 Answers


A trap table is what is conventionally used by the system call handler to invoke the requested operating service routine. It is a table that is protected by the kernel, so does not enable execution at an arbitrary address. Rather it maps a requested service (typically a small number, search /usr/include for syscall.h) to a function that provides that service.

The application performs some operation like:

mov   $_SYS_OPEN, %r0
jmp-on-carry seterrno

The bit of code in the kernel that gets invoked on the syscall operator does something like:

int n;
if ((n = Proc->reg[0]) < 0 || n >= _N_SYSCALLS) {
    return seterror(Proc, ENOSYS);
} else {
    return (*sys_call_table[n])(Proc);

The details vary by which os you are working with, but the overall idea is the same, and has remained relatively constant since the 1970s.