I implemented a Module using VB.NET in order to handle localization in an MVC .NET application.
However, when I try to call the extension method LanguageSelectorLink from my view, it`s required to provide something for the first parameter of type HtmlHelper. In all C# samples I found on the Internet, this parameter is never provided and it seems to work fine.
@App_Code.LanguageSelectorLink(Nothing, "en-CA", "[English]", "English", Nothing)
Did I miss a step? Can anybody help me?
Imports System.Threading
Namespace App_Code
Public Module SwitchLanguageHelper
Public Function LanguageUrl(ByVal helper As HtmlHelper,
ByVal cultureName As String,
Optional ByVal languageRouteName As String = "lang",
Optional ByVal strictSelected As Boolean = False) As Language
'Set the input language to lower
cultureName = cultureName.ToLower()
'retrieve the route values from the view context
Dim routeValues = New RouteValueDictionary(helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values)
'copy the query strings into the route values to generate the link
Dim queryString = helper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString
For Each key In queryString
If (Not (IsNothing(queryString(key))) And
Not (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryString(key)))) Then
If (routeValues.ContainsKey(key)) Then
routeValues(key) = queryString(key)
routeValues.Add(key, queryString(key))
End If
End If
Dim actionName = routeValues("action").ToString()
Dim controllerName = routeValues("controller").ToString()
'set the language into route values
routeValues(languageRouteName) = cultureName
'generate the language specify url
Dim urlHelper = New UrlHelper(helper.ViewContext.RequestContext, helper.RouteCollection)
Dim url = urlHelper.RouteUrl("Localization", routeValues)
'check whether the current thread ui culture is this language
Dim current_lang_name = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name.ToLower()
Dim isSelected As Boolean
If (strictSelected) Then
current_lang_name = cultureName
End If
isSelected = current_lang_name
Dim language As Language = New Language()
language.Url = url
language.ActionName = actionName
language.ControllerName = controllerName
language.RouteValues = routeValues
language.IsSelected = isSelected
Return language
End Function
Public Function LanguageSelectorLink(ByVal helper As HtmlHelper, ByVal cultureName As String, ByVal selectedText As String, ByVal unselectedText As String, ByVal htmlAttributes As IDictionary(Of String, Object), Optional ByVal languageRouteName As String = "lang", _
Optional ByVal strictSelected As Boolean = False) As MvcHtmlString
Dim language = helper.LanguageUrl(cultureName, languageRouteName, strictSelected)
Dim link = helper.RouteLink(If(language.IsSelected, selectedText, unselectedText), "Localization", language.RouteValues, htmlAttributes)
Return link
End Function
End Module
End Namespace