
I am using a registry-based approach to prevent disabling or uninstalling Microsoft Edge extensions. However, I need a Package Family Names of extension to achieve this.

I tried the below command in PowerShell to get it for a particular extension but with no luck.

> Get-AppxPackage ExtensionName

source: Prevent turning off required extensions https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/deploy/group-policies/extensions-management-gp

I tried the command and it can get the PFN of the extension. The result is like the answer in this thread. Is there any error when you run the command? Have you added the ** around the extension name? Besides, you can run PowerShell as Administrator and try again.Yu Zhou
@YuZhou I tried for the installed extension with PowerShell as Administrator. Also tried with ** around the extension. But nothing shows. When I try for some installed app then I get the PFN. Can you tell me the extension name for which you got the PFN?jayprakash
I tried for "Grammarly for Microsoft Edge" and "Dark Mode" extensions.jayprakash
I installed and tried this extension "Translator". I'll try the extensions you mentioning and let you know the result. By the way, do you install the extension in Edge Chromium or in Edge Legacy?Yu Zhou
I Installed the extensions in Edge Chromium. However, I tried for your mentioned extension but Also did not get anything. Tried command in PowerShell with admin right: > Get-AppxPackage Translator Is anything am I missing?jayprakash

1 Answers


After some tests and searching for the information, I found that we can only get PFN of extensions in Edge Legacy. The doc you refer to is also apply to Edge Legacy:

You've reached the documentation for Microsoft Edge version 45 and earlier.

But now, we're using Edge Chromium and I don't find such policy which can prevent disabling or uninstalling Edge Chromium extensions. You can check the policies which are available for Edge Chromium. So we can't use a PFN and registry-based way to achieve what you want.