I am using the Office.context.ui.displayDialogAsync
method in Office.js to create a popup that allows the user to login.
I used the yeoman generator to create a React template for the Add-in. I could not find an Auth0 example using Office.js and React, so I used this example which does not use react: https://github.com/OfficeDev/Office-Add-in-Auth0
To display the dialog box I pass the displayDialogAsync
method a url that looks like: https://localhost:3000/src/taskpane/popup.html.
The react way I thought of would be creating a react compoennt for the popup and then using react router (Hash router not Browser Router How to configure Office-js excel react add-in to use react-router-dom or alternative solutions?) to make the component accessible at {taskpane endpoint}/popup
like on a website.
The addin locally runs at https://localhost:3000/taskpane.html so I tried to pass the url https://localhost:3000/taskpane.html/#popup but the popup is not routed to my component like it would on a normal react website. Instead I get a 404 error.
My question is do I need to add some additional configuration for this to work, or is it just not possible in Office.js.
? You should also share what your <Router> looks like – Mavi Domates