I am trying to insert a great number of document(+1M) using a bulk_write instruction. In order to do that, I create a list of InsertOne function.
python version = 3.7.4
pymongo version = 3.8.0
Document creation:
document = {
'dictionary': ObjectId(dictionary_id),
'price': price,
'source': source,
'promo': promo,
'date': now_utc,
'updatedAt': now_utc,
'createdAt:': now_utc
# add line to debug
if '_id' in document.keys():
return document
I create the full list of document by adding a new field from a list of elements and create the query by using InsertOne
bulk = []
for element in list_elements:
for document in documents:
document['new_field'] = element
# add line to debug
if '_id' in document.keys():
insert = InsertOne(document)
return bulk
I do the insert by using bulk_write
collection.bulk_write(bulk, ordered=False)
I attach the documentation https://api.mongodb.com/python/current/api/pymongo/collection.html#pymongo.collection.Collection.bulk_write
According to the documentation,the _id
field is added automatically
Parameter - document: The document to insert. If the document is missing an _id field one will be added.
And somehow it seems that is doing it wrong because some of them have the same value.
Receiving this error(with differents _id of course) for 700k of the 1M documents
'E11000 duplicate key error collection: database.collection index: _id_ dup key: { _id: ObjectId(\'5f5fccb4b6f2a4ede9f6df62\') }'
Seems a bug to me from pymongo, because I used this approach in many situations but I didn't with such size of documents
The _id
field has to be unique for sure, but, due to this is done automatically by pymongo, I don't know how to approach to this problem, perhaps using a UpdateOne with upsert True with an impossible filter and hope for the best.
I would appreciate any solution or work around for this problem