- Spring JMSListener listens at
- The message is actually produced at
and so also available at the wildcard-address (/queue/app/*
) to consume - Once the processing is successful at the listener, the message is acknowledged at the wildcard-address (
), but not the original address (/queue/app/XXX
My concern is that the message will retain the storage till expiry.
How can we solve this?
My setup is as follows -
Service A
Subscribes to /queue/A/*
Publishes to /queue/B/tenantId
Service B with TenantID = 1
Subscribes to /queue/B/1
Publishes to /queue/A/1
Service B with TenantID = 2
Subscribes to /queue/B/2
Publishes to /queue/A/2
Basically, Service A sends message to Service B via the independent-queues ( /queue/B/tenantId
) for different tenants. The idea behind separate queues for each tenant is to eliminate inter-tenant competition within the queue. Also, there will be multiple instances of Service B running for each tenant. Now once the Service B is done with the message-processing, it will publish the response-message back to Service A on the tenant-specific queue ( /queue/A/tenantId
). The idea here is to have the logical-isolation among tenant response-messages. Finally, the reason to use wildcard-address in Service A is because we can not have a dedicated consumer for each tenant in Service A and we plan to share it across tenants.
<address-setting match="/queue/#">
<address-setting match="/topic/#">
<address-setting match="#">
on your acceptor? – Justin Bertram