I have very large datasets in spark dataframes that are distributed across the nodes.
I can do simple statistics like mean
, stdev
, skewness
, kurtosis
etc using the spark libraries pyspark.sql.functions
If I want to use advanced statistical tests like Jarque-Bera (JB) or Shapiro-Wilk(SW) etc, I use the python libraries like scipy
since the standard apache pyspark libraries don't have them. But in order to do that, I have to convert the spark dataframe to pandas, which means forcing the data into the master node like so:
import scipy.stats as stats
I have multiple features, and each feature ID corresponds to a dataset on which I want to perform the test statistic.
My question is:
Is there a way to apply these pythonic functions on a spark dataframe while the data is still distributed across the nodes, or do I need to create my own JB/SW test statistic functions in spark?
Thank you for any valuable insight