
Since some WooCommerce updates apparently the WooCommerce Product Attribute Taxonomies aren't listed as normal taxonomies anymore. The database table wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies contains the product taxonomy names, that are also listed as product properties.

$attrName = 'floor';
$taxonomyName = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name( $attrName );
var_dump(taxonomy_exists( $taxonomyName ));
=> false

In prior WooCommerce versions this worked just fine, taxonomy_exists returned true. The global $wp_taxonomies; doesn't contain the WooCommerce Product Attributes anymore, too.


1 Answers


Sorry but wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies table has not been changed since while (may be since WooCommerce version 3) and has nothing to do with this problem.

This seems to be a bug like that comes from WordPress taxonomy_exists() conditional function, as if you look to wp_term_taxonomy related table you will see that the taxonomy pa_floor is registered, so the problem comes from WordPress.