I want to find the center point of an arc. I have start point, end point, and offset of an arc.
I have tried the below code. With this code, I got the center point of arc in a 90% case. But for certain data its fail to find center point.
I have this definition of arc drawing
The answer for all above four arc center coordinate is (4.299940599999999, 70.5999858)
This is an arc image, This arc is made from four single-quadrant arcs.
private Coordinate findCenter(Coordinate start, Coordinate end, Coordinate offset) {
double twoPi = 2 * Math.PI;
if (quadrantMode.equals("single-quadrant")) {
// The Gerber spec says single quadrant only has one possible center,
// and you can detect it based on the angle. But for real files, this
// seems to work better - there is usually only one option that makes
// sense for the center (since the distance should be the same
// from start and end). We select the center with the least error in
// radius from all the options with a valid sweep angle.
double sqdistDiffMin = Double.MAX_VALUE;
Coordinate center = null;
List<Coordinate> qFactors = new ArrayList<Coordinate>();
qFactors.add(new Coordinate(1, 1));
qFactors.add(new Coordinate(1, -1));
qFactors.add(new Coordinate(-1, 1));
qFactors.add(new Coordinate(-1, -1));
for (Coordinate factors : qFactors) {
Coordinate testCenter = new Coordinate(start.getX() + offset.getX() * factors.getX(),
start.getY() + offset.getY() * factors.getY());
// Find angle from center to start and end points
double startAngleX = start.getX() - testCenter.getX();
double startAngleY = start.getY() - testCenter.getY();
double startAngle = Math.atan2(startAngleY, startAngleX);
double endAngleX = end.getX() - testCenter.getX();
double endAngleY = end.getY() - testCenter.getY();
double endAngle = Math.atan2(endAngleY, endAngleX);
// # Clamp angles to 0, 2pi
double theta0 = (startAngle + twoPi) % twoPi;
double theta1 = (endAngle + twoPi) % twoPi;
// # Determine sweep angle in the current arc direction
double sweepAngle;
if (direction.equals("counterclockwise") ) {
theta1 += twoPi;
// sweepAngle = Math.abs(theta1 - theta0);
sweepAngle = Math.abs(theta1 - theta0) % twoPi;
} else {
theta0 += twoPi;
sweepAngle = Math.abs(theta0 - theta1) % twoPi;
// # Calculate the radius error
double sqdistStart = sqDistance(start, testCenter);
double sqdistEnd = sqDistance(end, testCenter);
double sqdistDiff = Math.abs(sqdistStart - sqdistEnd);
// Take the option with the lowest radius error from the set of
// options with a valid sweep angle
// In some rare cases, the sweep angle is numerically (10**-14) above pi/2
// So it is safer to compare the angles with some tolerance
boolean isLowestRadiusError = sqdistDiff < sqdistDiffMin;
boolean isValidSweepAngle = sweepAngle >= 0 && sweepAngle <= Math.PI / 2.0 + 1e-6;
if (isLowestRadiusError && isValidSweepAngle) {
center = testCenter;
sqdistDiffMin = sqdistDiff;
return center;
else {
return new Coordinate(start.getX() + offset.getX(), start.getY() + offset.getY());
public static double sqDistance(Coordinate point1, Coordinate point2) {
double diff1 = point1.getX() - point2.getX();
double diff2 = point1.getY() - point2.getY();
return diff1 * diff1 + diff2 * diff2;
mean? Why another string contain only I or J? – MBoboolean isValidSweepAngle = sweepAngle >= 0 && sweepAngle <= Math.PI / 2.0 + 1e-6;
Where I got these value "sweepAngle" =1.5708064868152167 and Value of "Math.PI / 2.0 + 1e-6" = 1.5707973267948965 For this minor difference, Its become isValidSweepAngle = false. – Bhavin S.