
Ok not an expert on server side coding and stuff but have a basic understanding. Here is my question;

  • I have firebase triggers setup on cloud functions
  • Now there is a requirement that I need to communicate with external servers to retrieve some other data
  • So I use HTTPS triggers and I followed tutorials and managed to use express and other middlewares to get the job done

The problem is, I don't think I understand how these HTTP triggers are authenticated. I obviously want only the authenticated users to make a call to these end points and my users are either iOS or Android users.

What i have already found out: I followed the code sample in this link: https://github.com/firebase/functions-samples/blob/master/authorized-https-endpoint/functions/index.js but I have one question

  • It says The Firebase ID token needs to be passed as a Bearer token in the Authorization HTTP header like this: Authorization: Bearer <Firebase ID Token>
  • Is this token passed automatically from iOS and android clients or do I need to manually call some FirebaseAuth get token function in the mobile SDKs and manually created this authorization bearer as a part of my request url?

1 Answers


You need to manually call a Firebase API to get a token to pass to your backend.

This process is documented fairly thoroughly in the documentation for the Firebase Admin SDK, which you would use to verify ID tokens. That link will give you examples for Android and iOS.

The code sample you linked to also has client code for web that does the same.