i have an array of products. For each product I have to crate an solr faceted search.
Example for the following "products":
by using faceted search I like to determine, how often every product exists in field PRODUCT. With the following result
Comupter (3)
TV (5)
MP3-player (10)
Right now, i realize that by using one faceted search for every word/product. That works, but the results returned in 400ms by using the following options:
'facet' => 'true'
'facet.field' => 'PRODUCT'
'facet.method' => 'enum'
'fq' => 'PRODUCT:computer' <- by iterating an array with PHP i change the product (computer,tv,...) on every iteration
Unfortunately in real life there are not 3 product (like the example above), there are round about 100 products, which are relevant. That means: the PHP script hast to request 100 solr searches, with 400ms - so the script runs 40 seconds, which is to long. I'm unable to run an unlimited/unrestricted faceted search for "all" products (without "fq="), because there are thousend of products and I dont need the information only fro a every.
Is there a way to realize a better performance for example be merge those multiple solr requests into one?
Thank you!
– ajreal