Our application has the possibility to send emails via SmtpClient. One of our customer is trying to do so by using his gmail account and it fails resulting in a timeout. However, from our testing lab it works just fine (with another gmail account).
In the trace i can see that the server is not answering with Certificate, Server Key Exchange, Server Hello Done. And im wondering what can be the cause for this?
I also noticed in the traces, the customer is using TLSv1 so I tried to replicate the error on a Windows7 system but still it works for me.
oSmtp = new SmtpClient(this.host, this.port);
oSmtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
oSmtp.EnableSsl = ssl;
NetworkCredential oCredential = new NetworkCredential(this.userName, this.password);
oSmtp.Credentials = oCredential;
oSmtp.SendCompleted += new SendCompletedEventHandler(SendCompletedCallback);
string userState = null;
oSmtp.SendAsync(oMsg, userState);
As far as the code goes, enableSsl is true, the port is 587 and we also instructed our customer to check his gmail account and allow less secure applications.
We will ask the customer for more specific details and try to put more traces in our application, but i would like to know if there is anything that can prevent the server to answer with Certificate,...
Inspecting the traces revealed no significant difference between customers Client Hello and our test Client Hello.