
I'm using Spring cloud stream with spring cloud function with reactive approach. My binder is RabbitMQ. By definition maxAttempts property is the number of times that a message can be processed (that's what I interpret) From: https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud-stream/3.0.6.RELEASE/reference/html/spring-cloud-stream.html#_consumer_properties

maxAttempts: If processing fails, the number of attempts to process the message (including the first). Set to 1 to disable retry. Default: 3.

The problem is my application with this (default) configuration always processed the message 4 times. And now I want to disable the retry, so I set max-attempts=1 and the message is always processed 2 times. I have already tried to set spring.cloud.stream.rabbit.bindings.input.consumer.requeue-rejected=false although is the default.

Any clue on how can I get my message processed just once?


This makes no sense; with maxAttempts=1, the binder does not add a RetryTemplate to the channel adapter so no retries will occur. Something else is going on. Please provide a small, complete, example that exhibits this behavior.Gary Russell
Hi Gary, thanks for the reply. I have created a small project demonstrating the issue at github.com/moreirajo/spring-retry-demoJoao Moreira

1 Answers


Hoxton.SR1 is very old

I can see why it was retried with those versions; I updated your example to the latest versions and it is only delivered once now...

        <relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
    <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>


I don't know which version it was fixed in.