I've been trying to create my first star schema based on Google Classroom data for a week. I put a description of the tables from my most recent attempt below. I didn't list descriptive fields not relevant to my question.
I have a table visual that shows CourseName, StudentsEnrolled (it works)
StudentsEnrolled = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(gc_FactSubmissions[StudentID]))
I am trying to create a table visual that shows StudentName, CourseWorkTitle, PointsEarned, MarkPct.
MarkPct = divide(sum(gc_FactSubmissions[PointsEarned]),sum(gc_DimCourseWork[MaxPoints]))
When I try to add StudentName to the visual, I end up with incorrect results (some blank student names and incorrect totals). When I try to use DAX Related(), I can only select fields in the Submissions table.
I’ve spent countless hours of Googling sites/pages like the following one and others: https://exceleratorbi.com.au/the-optimal-shape-for-power-pivot-data/
I think the problem is the gc_DimStudents table because it contains a student record for every student that is enrolled in a gc_DimCourses. Not all students enrolled have submitted assignments, so if I limited the gc_DimStudents to only the StudentIDs in gc_FactSubmissions, then I won’t be able to get a count of StudentsEnrolled in courses.
I’m not sure how to resolve this. Should gc_DimCourses also be made into a fact table? With a gc_DimCourseStudents and a gc_DimSubmissionStudents? Then I’d have to create a surrogate key to join gc_FactSubmissions to the new gc_FactCourses? If that is true, then as I add more fact tables to my model, is it normal to have many DimAnotherStudentList in many places in a Star Schema model?
I want to keep building on this star schema because we want reports/dashboards that relate things like online marks, to attendance, to disciplinary actions, etc., etc. So I want to get the relationships correct this time.
Any help is very much appreciated.
Thanks, JMC
gc_FactSubmissions (contains one record for every combination of the 4 ID fields, no blanks)
CourseID (many to 1 join to gc_Dimcourses.CourseID )
OwnerID (many to 1 join to gc_DimOwners.OwnerID)
CourseWorkID (many to 1 join to gc_DimCourseWork.CourseWorkID)
StudentID (many to 1 join to gc_DimStudents)
PointsEarned (int, default to sum)
(other descriptive fields)
gc_DimCourseWork (one CourseWorkID for each gc_FactSubmissions.CourseWorkID)
CourseWorkID (it is distinct, no blanks)
MaxPoints (int, default to sum)
(other descriptive fields)
gc_DimCourses (one CourseID for each gc_FactSubmissions.Course CourseID)
CourseID (it is distinct, no blanks)
(other descriptive fields)
gc_DimOwners (one OwnerID for each gc_DimOwners.OwnerID)
OwnerID (it is distinct, no blanks)
(other descriptive fields)
gc_DimStudents (one StudentID for each gc_FactSubmissions.Course CourseID)
StudentID (distinct, no blanks)
(other descriptive fields)