I am having an issue in Google data studio. I am creating a case statements that looks for keywords in a few different dimensions and categorises them accordingly. This all works fine until I add a custom dimensions. The see statement is valid as far as Google is concerned but it returns nothing.
WHEN PAGE = "Diabetes.website.com" THEN "Diabetes"
The above works fine
WHEN PAGE = "Diabetes.website.com" THEN "Diabetes"
WHEN WEB_SUBJECT = "Hypertension" THEN "Cardiology"
The above is valid but is blank when used. Web_subject is a custom dimensions defined in Google analytics.
Any help greatly appreciate. This one has me stumped.
UPDATE: So changing the format of the custom dimension expression to be REGEX worked in returning results for that particular condition but it now does not show results for any others. I have a feeling it may because of the data sitting behind it all.
A little more context, the data source in this case is a roll up google analytics account, So it contains analytics from 10+ domains. What I am attempting to do is group together page views and users from different domains into subjects using various different dimensions. For example if a USER selects the filter 'Diabetes' I want to return all pageviews for: Domain A where page title contains x Domain B where customDimesnion 1 = Y etc
This is my current mess of a CASE statement:
when contains_text(Page, 'biosimilars-confidence') OR REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Oncologie).*') OR CONTAINS_TEXT(Page, 'oncology') OR contains_text(Page, 'rrmm-challenges') OR contains_text(Page, 'oncologyhighlights2020') OR CONTAINS_TEXT(Page, 'ASCO') OR CONTAINS_TEXT(Page Title, 'cancer') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'Oncology') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'ASCO') THEN "Oncology"
when CONTAINS_TEXT(Page, 'DOMAINB') OR contains_text(Page, 'eprint') THEN "Eprint"
when CONTAINS_TEXT(Page, 'diabetes') OR REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Diabetes).*') OR contains_text(Page, 'hypoglycemia') OR contains_text(Page, 'glp1ras') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'Diabetes') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'hyperglycemia') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'diabetes') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'ADA') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'GLP-1') then "Diabetes/Endocrinology"
when CONTAINS_TEXT(Page, 'cardiology') OR REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Cardiologie).*') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'Cardiology') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'Heart failure') then'Cardiology'
when contains_text(Page, 'gastro') OR REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Gastro-enterologie).*') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'Gastroenterology') then "Gastroenterology"
when contains_text(Page, 'rheumatology') OR REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Reumatologie).*') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'Rheumatology') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'adalimumab') OR CONTAINS_TEXT(Page Title, 'arthritis') OR CONTAINS_TEXT(Page Title, 'EULAR') OR contains_text(Page Title, "joint") then "Rheumatology"
when CONTAINS_TEXT(Page, 'migraine') OR REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Neurologie).*') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'Neurology') OR contains_text(Page Title, "Ataxia") OR contains_text(Page Title, "EAN 2020") then "Neurology"
when Page = 'DOMAINA.com' OR contains_text(Page, 'training') OR Page = 'ime.DOMAINA.com' then "Corporate site traffic"
when contains_text(Page Title, 'Gynaecology ') then "Gynaecology "
when CONTAINS_TEXT(Page Title, 'Dermatology') OR REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Dermatologie).*') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'eczema') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'Laser hair removal') then "Dermatology"
when CONTAINS_TEXT(Page Title, 'COVID-19') OR REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Coronavirus (COVID-19)).*') then "COVID-19"
WHEN CONTAINS_TEXT(Page Title, 'General practice') then "General practice"
when contains_text(Page Title, 'Haematology') OR REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Hematologie).*') OR contains_text(Page Title, 'EHA25') then "Haematology"
when contains_text(Page Title, 'Mental health') OR CONTAINS_TEXT(Page Title, 'Psychology') then 'Mental health'
when contains_text(Page Title, 'penile length') OR REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Urologie).*') then "Urology"
when contains_text(Page Title, 'ERS 2019') OR REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Longziekten).*') THEN "Lung diseases"
when contains_text(Page, 'noonan')Then "Genetics"
when REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Farmacie).*') then 'Pharmacy'
when REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Heelkunde).*') then 'Surgery'
when REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Huisartsgeneeskunde).*') then 'Family medicine'
when REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Infectieziekten).*') then 'Infectious Diseases'
when REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Overig).*') then 'Other/Uncategorized'
when REGEXP_MATCH(WEBSITE subject, '.*(?i)(Voeding).*') then 'Nutrition'
else 'Other/Uncategorized'
I have anonymised some bits so if it looks strange that is why. It may well be I am going about this in completely the wrong way. One other thing to note, the domain names are stored in the PAGE dimension.