I am using parallel runner as: https://github.com/intuit/karate/blob/master/karate-demo/src/test/java/demo/DemoTestParallel.java
Scenario Outline: Basic test for user
When url 'xyz'
And path 'abc/efg.json'
And params id =
When method get
Then status 200
If i am running 3 threads then all the above 3 scenarios will execute together. So the console logs and karate.log file will print it in something this way:
14:22:00:962 com.intuit.karate - request:
1>url: xyz/abc/efg.json
1>id= 1
1>accept-encoding: gzip,deflate
1>connection: keep-alive
1>Host: sgldter
14:22:00:962 com.intuit.karate - request:
2>url: xyz/abc/efg.json
2>id= 2
2>accept-encoding: gzip,deflate
2>connection: keep-alive
2>Host: sgldter
14:22:00:962 com.intuit.karate - request:
3>url: xyz/abc/efg.json
3>id= 3
3>accept-encoding: gzip,deflate
3>connection: keep-alive
3>Host: sgldter
14:23:10:962 [main] Debug com.intuit.karate - response in milliseconds :220
1>cache-control: no-cache
1>connection: keep-alive
14:23:12:962 [main] Debug com.intuit.karate - response in milliseconds :230
3>cache-control: no-cache
3>connection: keep-alive
14:23:13:962 [main] Debug com.intuit.karate - response in milliseconds :240
2>cache-control: no-cache
2>connection: keep-alive
All the 3 requests will be logged first in console and then all the 3 responses .So now would like to know if it possible to get the request of 1 and response of 1 together? Because when running multiple tests(like 1000+) it becomes difficult to read the logs if the request and response is separated from each other.
Something like below would be good.
14:22:00:962 com.intuit.karate - request:
1>url: xyz/abc/efg.json
1>id= 1
1>accept-encoding: gzip,deflate
1>connection: keep-alive
1>Host: sgldter
14:23:10:962 [main] Debug com.intuit.karate - response in milliseconds :220
1>cache-control: no-cache
1>connection: keep-alive
14:22:00:962 com.intuit.karate - request:
2>url: xyz/abc/efg.json
2>id= 2
2>accept-encoding: gzip,deflate
2>connection: keep-alive
2>Host: sgldter
14:23:13:962 [main] Debug com.intuit.karate - response in milliseconds :240
2>cache-control: no-cache
2>connection: keep-alive
14:22:00:962 com.intuit.karate - request:
3>url: xyz/abc/efg.json
3>id= 3
3>accept-encoding: gzip,deflate
3>connection: keep-alive
3>Host: sgldter
14:23:12:962 [main] Debug com.intuit.karate - response in milliseconds :230
3>cache-control: no-cache
3>connection: keep-alive
Again I know that the karate report and also cucumber report gives/shows this properly and are very handy but sometimes devs prefer referring to build logs in CI/CD and then its difficult to understand the failure from logs. Let me know if there is some config i can change in logback xml or log4j file so that this can be merged together and printed to console log.