I have three levels of Category assigned to add product Primary
, Secondary
, and Final
categories. While adding product the user can save the final category id in the category_id field. Now I want to access the product of final categories related to the Primary
Let's suppose I have Electronic Primary category and under that, I have secondary categories like Mobiles, Camera, Desktop and again inside the Secondary
categories I have Final
category like Samsung, Galaxy inside Mobile, Canon, DSLR inside the camera and so on. Now I want to be able to fetch all the products inside Primary
I have the following code for eager loading:
$electronic_accessories = "Electronic Device";
$electronic_accessories_product = Product::whereHas('productCategory', function($query)
use($electronic_accessories) {
$query->whereHas('secondaryCategory', function($query)
use($electronic_accessories) {
$query->whereHas('primaryCategory', function($query)
$query->where('name', $electronic_accessories);
'productCategory' => function($query) use($electronic_accessories) {
$query->whereHas('secondaryCategory', function($query) use($electronic_accessories)
$query->whereHas('primaryCategory', function($query)
$query->where('name', $electronic_accessories);
'productCategory.secondaryCategory'=> function($query) use($electronic_accessories)
$query->whereHas('primaryCategory', function($query)
$query->where('name', $electronic_accessories);
'productCategory.secondaryCategory.primaryCategory' =>
function($query) use($electronic_accessories) {
$query->where('name', $electronic_accessories);
This code is working perfectly but I don't want to repeat this code on every time I want to get products from Primary
categories. I want to use this as a function. I tried making function with getPrimaryProduct()
in Product
model but it says
Call to a member function getPrimaryProduct() on null