I make a request to firestore to get a user's chats and it returns an observable array of objects with this shape
key: '83hed87djhe09',
participants: ['owner_43', 'visitor_69']
This displays a list of all user's chats in the UI, however I'd like to search for chats by user name. In order to do that, I'd have to make a http request to a backend server for the user name of each participant and replace that in the participants thread to make it searchable on type.
So 'owner_43' would become 'John Doe' for example.
Problem I'm experiencing is that I get an array of observables for the participant names rather than an array of strings.
Here's my code
this.chat$ = this.chatSvc.getUserChats(this.userUID).pipe(
map((chats: any) => {
return chats.map((chat: any) => {
return {
key: chat.key,
participants: chat.participants.map((participant: any) => {
return this.userSvc.getUserFromString(participant);
Here's the getUserFromString function:
let splitValue = stringId.split("_");
let accountType = splitValue[0];
let id = splitValue[1];
if (accountType === 'owner') {
return this.ownerSvc.getOwner(id);
else if (accountType === 'visitor') {
return this.visitorSvc.getVisitor(id);
Get owner function simply returns:
return this.http.get(owner_url + id);
Finally the result is unwrapped in the view using the angular async pipe
<ul><li *ngFor="let msg of chat$|async">{{msg.key}}</li></ul>
What am I doing wrong?