Can I use semicolons in GAS for comment characters?
I am using GAS 2.30 with the Intel syntax as below.
.intel_syntax noprefix
.section .text
# Program entry point
.globl _start
# Put the code number for system call
mov eax, 1
# Return value
mov ebx, 0
# Kernel call
int 0x80
This works nicely except that I have to use '#' as a comment character instead of ';'.
The main reason why it matters is that the editor that I have (SublimeText 3.2.2, build 3211) only has syntax highligting for ARM or NASM assembly syntax, neither of which understands '#' for comments and as I am following materials that mainly use Intel syntax, this is something I would just like to keep consistent with what I am reading about.
I checked the Intel manuals, the 5000+ pages PDF document, and unless I missed it somehow, it says nothing about comments although an introductory page by Intel uses semicolons for comments.
My question is if there is maybe a switch to let GAS use semicolons instead of pound signs in this context or is that perhaps one of the little differences to simply get used to?
I understand that GAS will also accept /, // and /* */ but none of these is understood by SublimeText.
Interestingly enough, telling SublimeText to use Bash syntax highlighting is quite a good solution as in the screenshot below but perhaps there is a way to configure GAS to use semicolons too? Thanks.
if there is proper highlighting for that. Note that directives also differ and probably break highlighting anyway forgas
. – Jester