
I have extended the product.template with following fields:

length = fields.Integer("Length", default=0)
length_float = fields.Float("Float", default=0.0)

Additionally I have extended the product.packaging model with this fields and an onchange method:

product_id_ref = fields.Many2one('product.product', string="Product Reference")
length = fields.Integer('Length')
length_float = fields.Float('Length_Float')

def _onchange_product(self):        
    if self.product_id_ref:
        self.length_float = self.product_id_ref.length_float
        self.length = self.product_id_ref.length

Interestingly the FLOAT field length_float is changed as expected and shown in the view. The INTEGER field is not changed.

Something more suprising is that if I change the order of the onchange method

def _onchange_product(self):        
    if self.product_id_ref:
        self.length = self.product_id_ref.length
        self.length_float = self.product_id_ref.length_float

NO value is changed!

How could that be?? Does anyone have an idea?


Do you have one onchange event, it may be another onchange event that cancel the modificationCharif DZ
would you please make sure that product_id_ref holds a value on both length, length_floatkerbrose

1 Answers


It came out that the problem was the 'length' field itself. This name leads to problems on the javascript side. Renaming leads to the desired result.