
I create a dataframe like this:

val df = Seq(

I get the following dataframe

|id |age|nom |year|month|day|
|1  |27 |bob |2020|9    |3  |
|1  |27 |jack|2020|9    |3  |
|3  |31 |tom |2020|9    |4  |

then I write df on hdfs with partitionBy usig year, month day;

  .partitionBy("year", "month", "day")

I get data on following hdfs paths:

  • /outputPath/test_hive/year=2020/month=9/day=3
  • /outputPath/test_hive/year=2020/month=9/day=4

I wonder how can I create an external hive table at location outputPath/test_hive which could take into account subdirectories year, month and day.

I tried following create table but it does not works:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test1(id int, age int, nom string, year int, month int, day int) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION 'outputPath/test_hive'

| test1.id  | test1.age  | test1.nom  |
| 1         | 27         | bob        |
| 1         | 27         | jack       |
| 3         | 31         | tom        |


CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test2(id int, age int, nom string) PARTITIONED BY(year INT, month int , day INT) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION 'outputPath/test_hive'

| test2.id  | test2.age  | test2.nom  | test2.year  | test2.month  | test2.day  |


CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test3(id int, age int, nom string) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION 'outputPath/test_hive' PARTITIONED BY(year INT, month int , day INT);

Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:138 missing EOF at 'PARTITIONED' near ''/outputPath/test_hive'' (state=42000,code=40000)
what about change stored as and partitioned by order of the second one?Lamanus
@Lamanus I tried to change order as you mentionned with the third one I just edited but i get an Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:138 missing EOF at 'PARTITIONED' near ''/outputPath/test_hive'' (state=42000,code=40000)a.moussa
what errors happen for the first two?Lamanus
@Lamanus I get no error but i don't have expected data. I add to the question above results from hivea.moussa

1 Answers


Do msck repair table or add partitions to the table.


From Hive:

hive> msck repair table test3


hive> ALTER TABLE test3 ADD PARTITION (year='2020', month='9',day='3') location '/outputPath/test_hive/year=2020/month=9/day=3';

From spark:

spark.sql("ALTER TABLE test3 ADD PARTITION (year='2020', month='9',day='3') location '/outputPath/test_hive/year=2020/month=9/day=3'")


spark.sql("msck repair table test3")