
The automation using pywinauto is working fine in the Remote Desktop Applications with mouse/keyboard and send_keys events. But I need to track the events generated from the application running on remote desktop to build conditional use case.

For Example, Let's say, I have an excel file opened in the remote desktop and using the pywinauto and send_keys function I can able to write some text in some predefined cell (using mouse co-ordinates) of that file.

But when I'm clicking the exit button in excel it will pop up an window asking if I want to save the excel before closing. I need to catch that event in pywinauto.

enter image description here

pywinauto is running on my local and all the tasks are going to happen on remote desktop (win32).

Note: I don't want to tackle this situation with mouse click on predefined co-ordinates because in-real, based the popup window of my application, I need to do some other tasks.


1 Answers


Remote desktop doesn't pass any GUI elements info to local machine. So you have to run pywinauto script on a remote machine. All necessary recipes are here: Remote Execution Guide.