I need to filter data in a public dashboard publish-to-web Power BI like a example.
I can filter in a non-public url dashboard but I cant filter by Parameter in publish-to-web Power BI.
It is mean, I can build a Dashboard with data from a table with
| Column A | Column B |
| Field A0 | Field B0 |
| Field A1 | Field B1 |
Then, I publish-to-web with Power BI service, this service generate a url like https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiN2EzOTM0Y2YtODVlZS00NGFjLTk5MTEtOGM4ZGY2NGZhYTNkIiwidCI6IjhmYmFhNWJmLTJlY2MtNGRjOC1iNTZiLThmOTJlMzA3ZjA3NiIsImMiOjR9 It is just a example
I need to filter by Field A0 or Field A1 the data by url parameter like https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiN2EzOTM0Y2YtODVlZS00NGFjLTk5MTEtOGM4ZGY2NGZhYTNkIiwidCI6IjhmYmFhNWJmLTJlY2MtNGRjOC1iNTZiLThmOTJlMzA3ZjA3NiIsImMiOjR9&Column A=Field A0
and the dashboard just show data related with Field A0 and hide all data from other fields.
pd: sorry my english is very bad